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Contact Us


Osteopaths - Podiatrist - Massage - Chiropractor


Do you suffer from Chronic or Acute Neck/Back/Shoulder Pain? or trying to recover from a Sporting Injury?

Or you may simply have some minor aches and pains and are looking for a greater quality of life. At Caste Hill Osteopathic Clinic, we believe in a treating the body as a whole, ensuring the contributing areas are treated. Based on Barwell Ave, near Showground Rd McDonald's, Castle Hill Osteopathic Clinic will work with you, one-on-one, to ensure that your area of concern is addressed.

We help people free themselves from daily aches and pains!

About Us

Castle Hill Osteopathic Clinic is excited about bringing Osteopathy into the Castle Hill region, and is looking forward to assisting in health and well being of the Hills' district residents.


To make an appointment call:
02 9680 9940.

Osteopathic Treatment fees:
Initial Consultation:
Adult $144 / Concession $134 (Approx. 1 hour)

Follow up Consultation:
Adult $114 / Concession $104 (Approx. 30 minutes)


concessions fees are 0-16yrs and 65yrs + 


90min - $155

60 min - $110

45min - $88 















Areas we service