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Welcome Khapil to Castle Hill Osteo

Castle Hill Osteopathic Clinic is excited to welcome practitioner Khapil Narula to the clinic!

We Have Moved!

Castle Hill Osteo has moved to a new premise just on the other side of old northen road opposite McDonalds.
We are very excited to move into a bigger, better practice. Come by and say hi!


We have escalated our already stringent hygiene routines and are still here to support you. Whilst social distancing is important, continuing to provide health care to our communities is also a priority, which is why the Australian Government considers allied health/Castle Hill Osteopathic Clinic an essential service.

Are You Suffering From Back or Neck Pain?

Do you have a sore back or neck the minute you get out of bed in the morning? You probably should consider seeing a Osteopath!

What Is the Difference Between an Osteopath, Physiotherapist and Chiropractor?

Are you unsure of the differences between an Osteopath, a Physiotherapist and a Chiropractor? You wouldn't be alone - so Castle Hill Osteo are here to clear up any confusion you may have!

Sports Injuries holding you up?

Do you feel that a sports injury is holding you back.   

Is RSI a problems for you?

Repetitive strain injuries are very common these days.


Do you suffer from backpain?

Areas we service