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Castle Hill Osteopathic Clinic is excited about bringing Osteopathy into the Castle Hill region, and is looking forward to assisting in health and well being of the Hills' district residents.

Dr Luke Gillogly - Osteopath and Exercise Physiologist

B.Hlth.Sc.(H Mvt), B.App.Sc(Osteo), M.Osteo

Luke Gillogly is an Osteopath and an Exercise Physiologist. He is experienced in dealing with a range of complaints from headaches, lower back pain, sports related injuries, children with pain and babies with feeding difficulties.

Luke's training gives him an excellent understanding of how the body works and patterns that may further exacerbate a problem and how to assist you in changing these patterns to keep you out of pain.

Luke's has a specific interest in sporting injuries, coming from a athletic background in track and field, rugby union and cricket he understands the demands that the sporting field places on the body and the best ways to optimise the return to the field.

Dr Jackson Lee- Osteopath

B.Clin.Sc(Osteo) M.Osteo

Dr Jackson Lee completed his studies at Victoria University, achieving a Bachelor of Health Science (Osteopathy) and a Masters of Health Science (Osteopathy). Since graduating, he has completed further courses in Dry Needling, Myofascial Cupping and Sports Taping.

Jackson provides a patients-centered approach to his treatments, ensuring that the patient care provided is holistic and utilises a variety of evidence based manual therapy techinques. This style of treatment is aimed at addressing not only pain symptoms but also the root causes of musculoskeletal discomfort.

Jackson will initially discuss the details of a patients condition to understand the impact it is having on their lifestyle. This allows him to develop an individualised detailed treatment plan with the aim of returning the patient to a healthy lifestyle and achieving physical goals as soon as possible. During treatments, Jackson will often use a combination of soft tissue techniques along with spinal manipulation, joints and muscular stretching and exercise rehabilitiation.

Jackson is experiecned in treating a large variety of conditions such as Sciatica, Knee Pain and Shoudler Pain injuries. He has a keen interest in treating patients with Headaches, having undertaken further education courses to assist patients with getting to the underlying cause of thier condition. 

In his spare time Jackson enjoys running, wathcing every type of sport, drinking too much coffee and hanging out with friends and family. 

To make an appointment with Dr Jackson Lee, please call the clinic on 9680 9940 or book online at www.castlehillosteo.com.au/pages/book-now.html 

Dr James Bell - Osteopath

M. Osteo (Masters Osteopathy)

James is an Osteopath graduate from the United Kingdom where he qualified at Swansea University in Wales with a Masters in Osteopathy. 

He found an interest in Osteopathy through his personal experience of being treated for sports injuries from a young age and through a passion to develop a deep understanding for how the body works. An inquisitive mindset also led him to seek out opportunities to shadow with other Osteopaths which has enabled him to understand a variety of techniques and how different practitioners approached diagnosis. Learnings and experiences that he now applies in everyday practise. 

James implements an Osteopathic holistic approach looking at the body as a unit and taking into account a physiological head to toe assessment, while also looking at different aspects and causes of a patient’s condition when assessing and treating. James combines this holistic approach in dealing with the root of the patients problem utilising skills such as soft tissue technique, gentle manipulation, stretching and exercise rehabilitation to aid patients back to the restoration and functionality of everyday life. While also maintaining that they continue to feel the benefit and improvement from treatment throughout their experience. 

While studying, James completed sports and kinesiology taping courses as well as gaining some clinical and pitch side experience at a local clinic and rugby club. 

In his spare time James is a keen sportsman with a sporting background in soccer, rugby union and athletics. 

To make an appointment with Dr James Bell, please call the clinic or book online at www.castlehillosteo.com.au/pages/book-now.html 

Dr. Khapil Narula – Chiropractor (B. Chiro Sc, M. Chiro)

Khapil has worked in The Hills district for over 10 years before moving to practice in a multidisciplinary clinic in The Netherlands. There he worked for 5 years, gaining him an in- depth understanding of human biomechanics, functional rehabilitation and injury prevention techniques.

He pays close attention to movement abnormalities that sustain the pain cycle, enabling him to develop an individualised treatment strategy to successfully manage each of his patient’s health concerns, based on a comprehensive diagnosis of their condition.

• Bachelor of Chiropractic Science (B. Chiro Sc) • Master of Chiropractic (M. Chiro) • Department of Veterans affairs accredited • SIRA accredited

To book an appointment with Khapil, please see below:

To book an appointment with Elise, please contact our office on 9680 9940 or book online

Karis Kwan – Massage Therapist

Karis is a qualified Remedial Massage therapist who is passionate about helping clients achieve optimal health and wellness through massage therapy.

She is well trained in a variety of techniques such as myofascial release, trigger point, soft tissue release and muscle energy techniques, deep tissue and Swedish which allow her to provide personalised massages tailored to each client's specific needs.

She offers therapeutic treatments for clients who may have specific health concerns or injuries, whether it is chronic pain, muscular tension, postural imbalances, sports-related injuries, or the need for rehabilitation. 

Her goal is to create a comfortable and nurturing environment for all of her clients to relax, heal and rejuvenate their bodies and minds. She truly believes in the power of touch and the benefits of regular massage therapy for overall health and well-being.

To book an appointment with Karis, please contact our office.

Elise Hawthorne – Podiatrist

Elise completed her Bachelors of Podiatry and Masters of Public Health at the University of Newcastle.

Since graduating in 2015, she has been working in private practice with a focus treating patients suffering from diabetic foot complications, and wound treatment.

Elise's professional interests are in ingrown nail care and surgery, paediatrics, diabetic foot care, and biomechanics and orthotics.

She prides herself on providing customized podiatry care to all her patients, with a strong emphasis on prevention in a caring and compassionate environment.

To book an appointment with Elise, please contact our office on 9680 9940 or book online

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